Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Alternative Road Map

Religious Maps

These are 2 interesting maps of the world, color coded indicating the different faiths around the world. Then a closer look at the sects within Islam (this map is not completely correct!)

Thursday, 25 October 2007

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Personal Geography

Man is called by the ancients a world in miniature and certainly this name is well applied, for just as man is composed of earth, water, air and fire, so is the body of the earth. If man has in him bones which are the support of the flesh, the world has rocks which are the support and armour of the earth; if man has in himself the sea of blood, in which the lungs rise and fall in breathing, so the body of the earth has its oceanic seas which also rises and falls every six hours for the world to breath. If from the said sea of blood spring veins which go on ramifying throughout the human body, similarly the oceanic sea fills the body of the earth with infinite veins of water. --Leonardo Da Vinci

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Mapping The Territories

"The anatomist is the allegry of curiosity. He is the invador of private spaces... By repute he is one down in the socail hierarchy from the barber-surgoen and two down from the gossip-mongering midwife... is it surprising that contemporary fiction in the forensic lab gives a specail life to the Anatomist? He is commonly a misanthropc philosopher, or a laughing melancholic, or a most common-sense atheist, or all three, and we understand perfectly well why that should be."
Peter Greenaway, 100 allegories to Represent the world. (Merrel Holborn Pubishing 1998)

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

I miss Bahrain so much right now. That beach, that muddy sinking sand. The humidity and constant traffic. I wish I could have 7 more days back home before it gets cold so I can sit in the sun and feel my skin tingle and burn. I want to be able to sit there and think about how little I have to do and think about. Then maybe have some rice. Should be good fun.

Self Crit

The program I used to create the slideshow can be found here:
FOTOMAGICO is used for slideshows and scrensavers and I stumbled across it after I download istopmotion and found it not suitable for the kind of effect I was going for with this brief..
I experiemented with istopmotion and ended up with this unflattering piece...

Back to the brief..
Do I even like this? Looking at it right now I wish I did so many things differently. Maybe a storyline would have made a massive difference and maybe if the images were more in tune with the soundtrack it would have made it loads more effective.
I love the idea of it though
There are 74 Reasons to why things are the way they are (according to the book I've been writing)
One of these few reasons is the 90s.
Why am I who I am? Maybe it's because of the things I've done back in the 90s. The things I've watched, the things I've bought. What do I like? Dislike? Does that make me special? Does that make me who I am?
Not sure
But well find out soon enough.

90s Movie

Here I am
or rather this is where I want to be
These colored panels are from my sketchbook and are my scribbles.. skip the research and below you'll find the final funky video!
Music: Poison by Bel Biv DeVoe